Information is the lifeblood of efficient and transparent markets. Independent research from Boxwood Harris makes an important and positive statement about a company. Research fills the information gap and is particularly important for junior companies that often have fewer analysts covering their securities in comparison to their larger peers.
The availability of equity research can significantly impact a company’s visibility and investors’ understanding of its performance. Increased analyst coverage has been found to have a positive influence on liquidity and market capitalization and ultimately reduce the cost of capital for companies that otherwise might achieve lower valuations.

Fully Independent Research and Analysis
Boxwood Harris research provides professional, financially rigorous, and objective analysis and opinion on a company’s performance.
Our research is increasingly regarded by investors as a valuable source of consolidated company information. As institutional investors have reduced their reliance on the traditional broker research model, they have increased their use of independent research to satisfy their continued need for comprehensive analysis.
Research Teams
Research teams within Boxwood Harris are comprised of expert analysts who have a deep understanding and experience in the Natural Resources and Healthcare sector. Information is gathered by reviewing a company’s financial disclosures and trading history as well as those of any peers. Boxwood Harris also uses industry information databases and one on one interviews with the company’s management to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company.
Reporting and Distribution
An in-depth initial report is written on the company following extensive analytical research. This analysis is then supplemented by updates following interim results and news alerts.
Distribution to the correct end user is a fundamental part of effective equity research; a broad, good-quality audience will ensure the investigation becomes a fundamental part of the company’s investor relations strategy.